Enraged at being torn from his own realm on the very eve of battle, Killian was prepared to dispense with the human swiftly and return. Princess Tyra was anything but a helpless mortal female, however. The spell she cast upon him set him at odds with his master's command and his own needs. He struggled with it but discovered there was no fighting the burning need to 'adore' his beloved.
Those thoughts connected in his chaotic mind. He lifted his head, peering far into the distance, his sight unhindered by the thick trees when he willed it so. The Valley of Shadows lay ahead of them.
And the mortals, he knew, feared the Valley of Shadows. It was unlikely they would pursue him there.
He moved on again, faster. He had a destination now. All he had to do was climb the ridge that rimmed the valley and then he would find a place so that he and his woman could be alone, left in peace to pursue their desire for one another.
Those thoughts connected in his chaotic mind. He lifted his head, peering far into the distance, his sight unhindered by the thick trees when he willed it so. The Valley of Shadows lay ahead of them.
And the mortals, he knew, feared the Valley of Shadows. It was unlikely they would pursue him there.
He moved on again, faster. He had a destination now. All he had to do was climb the ridge that rimmed the valley and then he would find a place so that he and his woman could be alone, left in peace to pursue their desire for one another.
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