It was a sleepy, and money-losing company until Morgan Steele took charge. Suddenly everything was hard-edged, with an image of flash and sex. Gwen found her new required dress of minis and tight tops a trifle disconcerting, but also exciting, in a way. She also found the stern, confident Morgan awe inspiring. Though she is married and has never thought of sex with a woman before, she finds herself becoming infatuated with her boss. But when her distraction affects her work, she discovers that Morgan is not merely into women, but into discipline, and to her humiliation and helpless excitement, she is forced to bend naked across her boss's lap for a spanking. That's just the beginning for the formerly straight-laced young married woman, however. For she is introduced to Morgan's partner, the tall, black Amazon woman Yvette, and then Yvette's black boyfriend. She finds herself, and then her husband drawn deeper and deeper into a submissive game of uninhibited sexual submission and dominance, her mind and body squirming as she is used by men and women alike. Gwen's life becomes one of thrilling bondage and wild, aching sex.
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