What does it mean to be degraded? April was about to find out. Tall and beautiful, but in love with a shorter man with a need to dominate, she tells herself she is giving way to Tony in order to reassure his fragile male ego. But there's more to it than that. She finds herself thrilled with the way he dominates her, the way he acts the macho tough guy, the filthy words he uses on her and makes her use to degrade herself. Bit by bit, intoxicated by how wickedly outrageous their behavior is, she lets him degrade her further and further, reveling in her new status as little more than a sexual beast. And yet, he degrades her still further, and she finds herself relegated to the role of animal, a voiceless, crawling sexual animal kept in a cage and used by he and his friends. Yet the flames he lights within the darkness of her mind will not be dampened, and no matter what is done to her, April's lithe young body burns with the fire of sexual passion.
Warning: Graphic sex and sexuality
Warning: Graphic sex and sexuality
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