I had no life. And everyone said things were dead around Bensonville, the small Utah town where I worked at a roadside diner. It was ironic, then, that the vampires showed up. Or to be specific, one very hot, mysterious, sexy guy who convinced me, one boring night after my shift ended, to let him do whatever he wanted to me. I wound up naked on a hilltop with my mind still dazed from the incredible sex I'd had! But Reece wasn't alone. There was also Jeremiah, and Harrison, and Roberto... and they all had a taste for blood. Mine! But they also drove me into a sexual fever, waking me from my boring non-life with dark, kinky sexual passion that thrilled me to the core. So did I want to feed people burgers, or did I want to feed the vampires?
Warning: Graphic sex and sexuality
Warning: Graphic sex and sexuality