Darcy Simpson is a typical young mother living alone with a four year old daughter. She spends her time at work in a dull office job, or at home with her daughter. And she's dreadfully bored, so bored she accepts a blind date, only to find out he is even more boring then her. She is in a vulnerable moment in her life when a dangerous looking man on a Harley tells her to get on - and so she does. What follows is the most shocking, exciting, and rough sex she's ever had, as he uses her brutally and makes her scream in pleasure for the first time in her life. This is just the beginning, however. Never knowing his name, she encounters him again and again, in her office, in her bedroom, and each time he uses and degrades her, frightens and exhilarates her. Yet she is slowly being conditioned, her inhibitions and self respect broken down until she finds herself crawling naked amid roomfuls of men, dazed and disbelieving, shamed yet thrilled as she degrades herself and lets them sate their perverse lusts on her soft, warm flesh.
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