When Tess comes down the stairs of her house wearing nothing but her pajama top she unexpectedlycomes face-to-face with Cameron Forbes, a wealthy, powerful, and handsome man her father has brought home as a guest. What Forbes wants, Forbes gets, and he quickly decides he wants her. A few days later he lures her into his limousine and makes her a very indecent proposal. He will pay her five thousand dollars to sleep with him, and if he isn’t the best she’s ever had will double it. He then offers her a job at an outrageous salary, complete with an expensive downtown condo, an expensive car, and trips around the world with him in his private jet. With few prospects, she reluctantly agrees and soon discovers that Forbes is not only the most skillful lover she’s ever had he’s also the most sophisticated. He introduces her to bondage and submission, and dark, lewd role-playing games which sometimes involve others. It is all wildly beyond Tess’s experience and even her imagination, but the scalding heat and passion he rouses within her are impossible to deny. As her submission becomes more complete he leads her into darker realms of possession where her life becomes an endless fantasy of seduction, eroticism, and ecstasy.
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