book cover of Forced By The Sidh

Forced By The Sidh

A Story by

While doing her PhD Candidate research on the legendary Sidh people of northern Ireland, Lisa's lets her curiosity get the best of her. When her cab driver abandons her in the middle of nowhere she travels into an ancient Sidh cave dwelling. Lisa finds herself taken by a mysterious creature who handles her pussy like no man ever has before. The ethereal creatures aren't about to let her get away easily and Lisa must satiate their hungry desires by any means possible.

Read on for a small taste of what's inside:
And she must have fallen asleep. Because in the morning as she blinked in the dim light coming from the vines at the ceiling of the cave, she remembered a man.

She lifted her head from the pillow of her dress and saw his outline. But she was not afraid. She felt that she knew him. He lowered himself to one knee and pressed his fist to his forehead, as if praying. Then he put his other knee to the ground and put one hand on each of her upper thighs. She moaned quietly as he parted her legs. She was neither surprised nor worried, and found that she knew what was going to happen next.

He was wearing a light-looking tunic that hung over his shoulders. She looked down and saw that it was tenting - almost ten inches long. He was rock hard, and gigantic, bigger even than John, and much thicker. The man pulled his tunic over his head, and Lisa saw that he was muscled and toned: not a bodybuilder, but more natural, looking how she imagined the body of primitive man, unaided by synthetics and developed by the hunt, would look. The lines that led down his torso and to his cock were set off in contrast to the dying fire.

He took one leg in each hand, cradling the backs of her knees, and pulled her ass easily forward across the dry, smooth ground. He kissed the inside of first her left thigh, then her right, and began caressing her with his soft, warm tongue, moving toward her pussy.

Finally, he reached the edge, and traced an outline of her pussy with his spit and pointed tongue. Then he softened his tongue and ran its width from bottom to top, slowly parting her increasingly sopping folds. She was almost ready to cum by the time he even reached her clit, and he must have sensed as much, because instead of going right for it he circled it playfully. Then he landed a gentle peck right on top of it, and she moaned, grinding her pussy into his smooth face and hard chin.

He kept up, holding her hips against the ground and thrashing her clit with his tongue. She could barely hear his voice as he moaned into her soaking pussy, but she felt the vibrations of his excited gasps against her. She looked down her body and saw that his eyes were closed. He had a hand around his massive dick and was stroking it as he licked her, getting off on her pleasure as much as she was.

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