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Cherie Feather

A pseudonym used by Sheri Whitefeather

Pseudonym: Sheri Whitefeather.

Cherie Feather writes erotic novels for Berkley Heat. Hercontemporary and historical stories are spiced with explicitsex and heart-hungry love.

Cherie is the alter ego of best-selling author SheriWhiteFeather who pens a variety of romances. She has earnedprestigious readers and reviewers choice awards.

An artist by nature, Cherie has lived an eclectic life. Herwriting career began in 1999. Prior to that, she worked as amake-up artist and leather artisan. One of her firstprofessional make-up jobs was at the Playboy Mansion for aphoto shoot that featured Hugh Hefner.

As a leather artisan, Cherie painted jackets and guitarstraps for a host of musicians, including legendary badboys, Motley Crue, and country legend, Waylon Jennings.

Cherie lives in California and enjoys ethinic dining,shopping in vintage stores and visiting art galleries andmuseums. She has two gorgeous grown children and a spoiledFrench bulldog.
   The Art of Desire (2008)
   Submission (2009)
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