Lauren Hawkeye/ Lauren Jameson is a writer, yoga newbie, knitting aficionado and animal lover who lives in the shadows of the great Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada. She's older than she looks--really--and younger than she feels--most of the time--and she loves to explore the journeys that take women through life in her stories. Hawkeye's stories include erotic historical, steamy paranormal, and hot contemporary. Make sure to check out her work as Lauren Jameson, where her erotic romances take a walk on the wild side.
Other Brother (with Tawny Stokes)
1. Forbidden (2015)
2. Taboo (2015)
3. Illicit (2015)
The Other Brother Series (2015)
1. Forbidden (2015)
2. Taboo (2015)
3. Illicit (2015)
The Other Brother Series (2015)
Novellas and Short Stories
Lauren Hawkeye recommends

How to Debauch a Biker (2014)
(Tessa Savage, book 4)
Daire St. Denis
"There's one word that describes Daire's Savage series...Hot!"
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