First eBook edition, with 15 period photographs.
"The needle.
The book.
And the money.
They all seemed associated with an unyielding tie, and I couldn't quite understand it. I had his wife, or as much of her as I could get under the circumstances. In some way, she could work things out and we could eventually marry. It wasn't as though it was the end of the world or anything like that. There was always tomorrow. And tomorrow would be better.
I had another drink.
I cursed.
The drinks hadn't helped.
Nothing helped.
My whole body felt like a mess of silage being pulled into a huge grinder. I needed her so badly, I wanted her so much, and there was this guy George standing in my way. Or was he? Who was George, anyhow? He was nothing but a big fat slob with sugar in his blood. She didn't love him. She had never loved him. He had forced her into the marriage, probably for the ten grand she'd inherited from her father, and nothing built that way ever lasted."
Mackenzie Osmund is a man torn between what's right and what's in his heart. Set in the Catskills in 1958, this is another potboiler from the King of the Naughty Noir, Orrie Hitt, author of "Virgins No More," "The Love Season," "Dirt Farm," and countless other scorchers.
"The needle.
The book.
And the money.
They all seemed associated with an unyielding tie, and I couldn't quite understand it. I had his wife, or as much of her as I could get under the circumstances. In some way, she could work things out and we could eventually marry. It wasn't as though it was the end of the world or anything like that. There was always tomorrow. And tomorrow would be better.
I had another drink.
I cursed.
The drinks hadn't helped.
Nothing helped.
My whole body felt like a mess of silage being pulled into a huge grinder. I needed her so badly, I wanted her so much, and there was this guy George standing in my way. Or was he? Who was George, anyhow? He was nothing but a big fat slob with sugar in his blood. She didn't love him. She had never loved him. He had forced her into the marriage, probably for the ten grand she'd inherited from her father, and nothing built that way ever lasted."
Mackenzie Osmund is a man torn between what's right and what's in his heart. Set in the Catskills in 1958, this is another potboiler from the King of the Naughty Noir, Orrie Hitt, author of "Virgins No More," "The Love Season," "Dirt Farm," and countless other scorchers.