Whether it's werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, angels, ghosts or aliens - these are stories with all of those strange and wonderfully sexy creatures that fascinate the human psyche! Come on a spicy, paranormal journey that ventures into titillating realms bound only the imaginations of your favorite eXcessica authors! ------- A dozen stories included in this volume by Wynter O'Reilly, Selena Kitt, D.B. Story, Sommer Marsden, J.M. Snyder, Dakota Trace, Piers Anthony, Roxanne Rhoads, Elise Hepner, Darcy Sweet, Christabel Rouseau and Erin O'Riordan. ------- From OVERKILL by Roxanne Rhoads: "How many times do I have to kill you before you get it through that thick vampire skull of yours that I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore?" I asked Simon as he stood nonchalantly on my porch while the cold winter wind blew a blizzard of snowflakes all around him, yet he still managed to look hot and sexy as ever. Asshole. God, breaking up with the undead was murder. Literally. I had killed Simon five times already. Ok, obviously I hadn't kill-killed him since he was currently standing on my porch looking somehow sexy and slightly forlorn at the same time. Damn. I never could resist his charm. That's why I had killed him five times already- I always took him back then he did something else to set me off and I had to stake him all over again. This last time... I hoped it really fucking hurt when I shoved that damn stake into his chest. After listening to that blonde go on and on, through a three hour lecture, about what a fabulous lover my boyfriend was the night before, I just had to drive a stake into him. Sure she didn't know he was my boyfriend, she was actually chatting with her friends behind me, and I was pretty sure he didn't actually do her - it was just part of the vampire thrall that made her experience such pleasure and then her mind recalled whatever it wanted to fill in the blanks to account for that pleasure - but still sitting there knowing she was talking about my man. Oh. My. God. By the end of the lecture, I was ready to stake her. "Bloody hell, Vanessa, you going to let me in or what? I am freezing my bollocks off out here," he said gruffly still standing in the cold night air while I stood in the warmth of my house. "Oh all right." I stood aside so he could come in. Not that he really needed an invitation; he'd been there a million times. He was just being polite. "So tell me luv, why are you so damn brassed off at me this time? You know one more inch to the left and I'd be dead for real. Ashes. How would you feel then?" he asked as he shrugged off his long leather coat. The warm air and swish of his leather being tossed onto the sofa brought his delicious scent my way. Why did he always smell so damn irresistible? "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's the fact that every time I so much as turn my back, you're sinking your fangs - or other body parts - into whatever buxom blonde comes along." I huffed and turned away from him. His hands grasped my shoulders and I felt his breath on my neck, "Come now poppet, you know I have to eat to survive and these women are just food. You know I'm faithful to you. It's only my fangs that penetrate anyone else." "But it's so intimate." I pouted. God, I hated being such a jealous freak but this man - this vampire - drove me insane. I hated the thought of any piece of him inside anyone else. "Why can't you be like Donatello and get blood from the blood banks?" Simon made a sound of disgust, "You know that stuff is awful. I hate it. I've been drinking from the vein for over three hundred years. Taking it from a plastic bag is quite disgusting. I'm sorry luv, not even for you can I survive off that vile, cold blood." "Fine but do you always have to pick such beautiful blood donors? And give them such pleasure? If I have to listen to one more little campus coed going on and on about you I am going to stake myself!"
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