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Celine's Seduction To Rubber

A novel by

Celine is a lovely blonde German girl who is twice caught indulging in exploratory sex, much to her fathers horror. In order to eradicate these verboten behaviors, her father engages Frau Baxter, a strict English governess, to ensure that Celine strays no further. Celine is shocked to discover that her father has given the woman complete authority over her. Under Frau Baxter's rigorous domination, Celine is forced to wear a bizarre suit made exclusively of rubber. At night, she'll sleep bound to a bed with rubber sheets. While she resists the woman's demands, her objections are summarily dismissed while the governess presses forward in her mission. As Celine enters into the strange world of rubber bondage and discipline, the transition is at first bearable. But with increasing restraints and new additions to her costume, her rubber world soon blossoms into complete captivity and deep enslavement. As much as she abhors what has been done to her, the rubber against her skin has the most uncommonly erotic  effect on her body. And when Frau Baxter secures a rubber bladder in her mouth as a silencing device, she finds that a sexual stimulant too! Though she wants to escape the house and win back her freedom, Celine is curiously drawn to the experience that has now overtaken her life and the savage orgasms that besiege her body. As Celine is abandoned by her father to the woman's devices, the governess is aided by Herr Wolff who will assist in Celine's further transformation. Soon all her bodily functions, feeding, elimination and even breathing will be under the control of those who hold her captive. Once the rubber bondage is complete, shell be sold to a wealthy industrialist as a rubberized pet. Her new Master and his wife Leona believe that Celine has consented to her enslavement, and poor Celine, trapped in her rubber suit, has no way to divulge the truth. JG-Leathers has expanded on the original Celine story authored by his good friend Baron von Ronsa, creating a horrific tale of nonconsensual enslavement.