Raine Miller is a part-time teacher and a writer of erotic romance in all the other spare moments. She has a handsome, teacher husband, and two amazing sons to keep her busy the rest of the time. Her boys know she likes to write stories, but gratefully have never asked to read any. Thank God!
Ill leave you with a quote from a young man who didnt live long enough to write more beautiful words for our continued enjoyment, dying tragically at only twenty-five years old. One of the most brilliant romantic poets ever to walk this earth, his words continue to take my breath away. This is from a letter he wrote to his fiance, Fanny Brawne. He died before they could marry.
Ill leave you with a quote from a young man who didnt live long enough to write more beautiful words for our continued enjoyment, dying tragically at only twenty-five years old. One of the most brilliant romantic poets ever to walk this earth, his words continue to take my breath away. This is from a letter he wrote to his fiance, Fanny Brawne. He died before they could marry.
Blackstone Affair
1. Naked (2012)
2. All In (2012)
3. Eyes Wide Open (2013)
4. Rare and Precious Things (2014)
The Passion of Darius (2014)
1. Naked (2012)
2. All In (2012)
3. Eyes Wide Open (2013)
4. Rare and Precious Things (2014)
The Passion of Darius (2014)
Omnibus editions show
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