Sapphire and Aries Demas are twins with a secret. Since the day their parents were killed, they've been in hiding, fearful of the same fate. But Sapphire's tired of all the lies. When she stumbles across an unconscious man while hiking and brings him home to heal, she sees something she wants for herself. But trusting an outsider could prove dangerous.
Investigative journalist Adam Richton is supposed to get a story. He's never failed before, but the instant the beautiful and mysterious Sapphire rescues him, he forgets all about his career. Now all he wants is her. Any way he can get her. When he witnesses something extraordinary, his curiosity is aroused and his reporter instincts go on full alert. As he learns Sapphire's deepest, darkest secrets, he's not only forced to believe the unbelievable, he'll have to choose between his job and something way more daring - love.
Investigative journalist Adam Richton is supposed to get a story. He's never failed before, but the instant the beautiful and mysterious Sapphire rescues him, he forgets all about his career. Now all he wants is her. Any way he can get her. When he witnesses something extraordinary, his curiosity is aroused and his reporter instincts go on full alert. As he learns Sapphire's deepest, darkest secrets, he's not only forced to believe the unbelievable, he'll have to choose between his job and something way more daring - love.
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