The editors at Circlet Press present a cherry-picked collection of only the best of erotic fantasy and science fiction. From over 300 entries, they have chosen the top 16, including the stunning winner by Allison Lonsdale "Vaster Than Empires." Vylar Kaftan's "Fulgurite" and Jason Rubis's "Now I Live On The Street of Women" were the runner-ups. The stories in the anthology span many genres and sexualities, at times defying such categories. Entries were judged on writing quality, originality, and eroticism, the three virtues Circlet Press values most in all publications.
"Circlet Press publisher Tan (Best Fantastic Erotica) and debut editor Zaiatz present a variety of erotic tales both sensual and brutal. ... The relationships are as varied as the settings, and the best stories are those with a strong emotional core."
- Publishers Weekly on Best Erotic Fantasy
Including stories by:
Allison Lonsdale
Vylar Kaftan
Jason Rubis
Pete Peters
Deb Atwood
Connie Wilkins
Grant Carrington
Bryn Allen
Kal Cobalt
Jean Roberta
Beth Bernobich
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
Eric Del Carlo
D.L. Keith
Paige E. Roberts
Diane Kepler
Rise Reviews calls Best Erotic Fantasy "a wonderful sampling of exactly what [Circlet Press is] about, demonstrating the extraordinary outcomes possible when writers push the boundaries of genre to create works defying convention."
"Circlet Press publisher Tan (Best Fantastic Erotica) and debut editor Zaiatz present a variety of erotic tales both sensual and brutal. ... The relationships are as varied as the settings, and the best stories are those with a strong emotional core."
- Publishers Weekly on Best Erotic Fantasy
Including stories by:
Allison Lonsdale
Vylar Kaftan
Jason Rubis
Pete Peters
Deb Atwood
Connie Wilkins
Grant Carrington
Bryn Allen
Kal Cobalt
Jean Roberta
Beth Bernobich
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
Eric Del Carlo
D.L. Keith
Paige E. Roberts
Diane Kepler
Rise Reviews calls Best Erotic Fantasy "a wonderful sampling of exactly what [Circlet Press is] about, demonstrating the extraordinary outcomes possible when writers push the boundaries of genre to create works defying convention."