book cover of Unfiltered: Pounded In The Butt By My Living Water Filter Pitcher Who Learns There Are More Important Things Than The Relentless And Unattainable Pursuit Of

Unfiltered: Pounded In The Butt By My Living Water Filter Pitcher Who Learns There Are More Important Things Than The Relentless And Unattainable Pursuit Of

A Story by

Living with a sentient object is unique experience, but when it comes to Hank Horkin and his friend Britto, the living water filter pitcher, things are working out. Hank loves having fresh water, and Britto cares deeply about his duties as a filtration system.

But problems start to arise as Britto’s obsession with the perfect drink spiral out of control. Soon enough, the sentient water filter has found himself in a rough spot, forcing Hank to step in.

As these two confide in one another, they begin to realize there’s more to their connection than a simple friendship. Now they’re learning that sometimes it��s okay to get a little dirty.

This erotic tale is 4,000 words of sizzling human on gay sentient water filer pitcher action, including anal, blowjobs, rough sex, and filtration system love.