A Master who refuses to love again... A sub who dare not reveal his heart...
Josh's publisher is nipping at his heels for his latest book, but first, Josh has to get rid of the evil day job eating up all his time. When he stumbles on an ad for subs-for-hire at a m/m BDSM dungeon - no sex required, great money promised - Josh leaps at the stopgap measure to keep a roof over his head until his publisher's advance arrives. When he gets the gig, he sets one hard and fast rule for himself - no emotional attachments with the clients. This is work, not romance.
Michael's heart, while not broken, has definitely been trampled on recently. So when a friend suggests hiring a sub, rather than dealing with dating and emotional entanglements, Michael looks into it. The sub boys at the dungeon know what to expect, and there isn't any messy emotional angst to get in the way. This scenario is a relief, right up until he meets slave j, whose graceful submission takes his breath away.
As Michael schedules more and more sessions, both men struggle to keep their emotions at bay. But just when things might be moving from a rent-a-sub arrangement to something real, another Master decides to make Josh his own, no matter the cost...
Sub for Hire is a stand-alone Serving his Master series novel. Powerful M/M BDSM with a romantic twist.
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