When she is caught shoplifting, nineteen-year-old Sophie Clarke is sent to a special facility to be reformed and corrected at the hands of three very strict daddies who will not hesitate to strip her bare and spank her soundly for the slightest bit of disobedience. But as the stern, sexy men set about taming and training Sophie, a burning backside soon proves to be the least of her worries.
Though she is determined to resist both their skilled dominance and her own helpless arousal, Sophie's new daddies have plenty of experience breaking naughty girls, and the harder she fights the more her need for them increases. But when she finally surrenders to her body's demands, will Sophie be ready for an even more shameful role as a plaything for a platoon of soldiers?
Publisher's Note:What Bad Girls Get is the third entry in the series The Institute: Bad Girls. The books of this series are stand-alone novels which share the same near-future setting as The Institute Series. What Bad Girls Get includes spankings, sexual scenes, intense and humiliating punishments, and strong D/s themes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.
Though she is determined to resist both their skilled dominance and her own helpless arousal, Sophie's new daddies have plenty of experience breaking naughty girls, and the harder she fights the more her need for them increases. But when she finally surrenders to her body's demands, will Sophie be ready for an even more shameful role as a plaything for a platoon of soldiers?
Publisher's Note:What Bad Girls Get is the third entry in the series The Institute: Bad Girls. The books of this series are stand-alone novels which share the same near-future setting as The Institute Series. What Bad Girls Get includes spankings, sexual scenes, intense and humiliating punishments, and strong D/s themes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.
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